Mission and Studies
Prior to the start of a satellite programme with Phase-A in the institutional area, feasibility studies are performed providing recommendations for the final programme selection. In the commercial satellite market further studies are required evaluating the market opportunities of the planned products and services.
At the early phase of a new satellite programme the establishment of the user and mission requirements and the mission concept, based on the mission statement and the mission objectives, is a pre-requisite for the top level system requirements. The mission requirements are the quantitative expression of the objectives within the programme constraints, including the available budget. Input to the mission requirements is provided by the end-users, the operator, the development entities and by the programme responsible.
At Airbus Horst was involved in various mission and system studies for earth observation and science programs during a period of 2 years. In the commercial market faas-consulting provided due diligence support in the field of earth observation, covering a technical and market assessment and a value chain analysis.
Horst has been involved in the establishment of the Meteosat end-user requirements, the consolidation of the Galileo first generation mission requirements and the establishment of the Galileo evolution mission requirements. faas-consulting provides highly professional support for the establishment of mission requirements, coordinating with all the parties involved in the programme.