About this website

I provide freelance services in the space domain and the URL https://www.faas-consulting.com summarises the service portfolio.

Contact details: Horst B. Faas, Klosterrather Weg 28, 53332 Bornheim

Tel. +49 2222 9955052  Fax +49 2222 9955041  horst(at)faas-consulting.com

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE311136609

We are collecting user IP addresses by the user’s interactions with the website. These data are used for internal monitoring purposes and attack detection.

Concerning the link to my LinkedIn account the privacy policy of LinkedIn applies.

If you have privacy-specific concerns, please contact me at the address shown above.


Galileo satellite image and EGNOS logo – © European Commission

Meteosat and Metop satellite images – © EUMETSAT

Herschel satellite image – © ESA